Monday, November 15, 2010

The Hard Knock Life of Preschoolers

I started my practicum in the preschool last week and let me tell you it is quite eye opening. I intended to teach 4th or 5th grade, so it is a bit tough for my to relate to these 4 year olds. Don't get me wrong, they are all cute as a button... but this is not my thing. Here's a scenario from last week...

The scene: Playing on the play ground when all of a sudden I hear a little girl crying... I look around to see little Lucy* hovering next to a tree crying her eyes out. I go over...
Lucy, what's wrong?
Lucy: I, I, I, I tripped on the ground and and and fell down and hurt my leg *cries harder for extra emphasis*
Me: Ohhhhh, nooooo are you okay?
Lucy: Noooooooo
Me: Do you think it's broken?
Lucy: I don't think so *more tears*
Me: Well let's stand up to see if it works.
Lucy stands up
Me: Well wiggle around to make sure.
Lucy wiggles around... leg is not broken... crisis averted.
Me: So do you feel better?
Lucy: Yes.... but do you want to know the real reason I'm crying? *wipes tears from big blue eyes, sniffle, sniffle*
Me: Sure.
Lucy: This playground is too big... my last playground was smaller and I like it better... this is too big.
Me: Oh... uhhh.... okay.
Point her in the direct of the swing and slowly walk away.
End Scene.

Oooo to be 4 again where my biggest worry is the size of the playground. Tough life. Also a kid came in dressed as a pirate on my first day (it was not Halloween)... I wish it was socially acceptable for me to come to work dressed as a pirate.

I think every teacher is meant to teach a certain grade... preschool is not my grade. I like the age where kids do not have the instinct to stick a marble up their nose, can verbalize their concerns without screaming/crying, know how to use a tissue, and don't suck their thumb. God bless all of the preschool teachers out there... I have major respect for them! This is not my thing, but am sticking it out and chalking it up as experience. I'm sure there are more stories to come since I have four more weeks of this. Oy vey, I need a glass of wine!

*Names of kids changed :)

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