Friday, July 29, 2011

6 Year Anniversary

Today is a big day for me and Lexi. Exactly six years ago today, I picked her up from the local SPCA. When I walked into the SPCA that day with my roommate at the time... we were just going to look around. But while just looking around, I saw a sweet scared black dog hovering in the corner of the cage while the other dog in the cage was barking and jumping around. I immediately felt something for that puppy and asked to take her out to see her. Upon spending a few minutes with that pup, I knew I had to take her home. She was so sweet and looked at me with those big eyes and looked so scared and nervous. After many phone calls with the parents and SPCA and with three anxious days of waiting... she was mine. 
Without even really planning for it, I had adopted a 6 month old black dog with big ears and long legs... soon after her arrival that sweet, scared puppy from the SPCA broke out of her shell and Lexi as we know her emerged. 
Over the years we have grown so much together. She's been there for everything... good times and bad. There's been many destroyed shoes, socks, reading glasses, consumed pork loins, chewed baseboards, and even walls... but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I couldn't imagine life without that little pup.

And now of course... photo montage of Lexi over the years!
 She looks so young!

 This was her favorite spot in Greenville... the backyard of the townhouse... can you count the number of stolen socks back there?

 She did go to puppy school... and graduated top of her class!

 At Barefoot on the Mall... awww.

Like I said... many destroyed belongings.
 We learned last year how much she loves snow!

Happy 6 Year Anniversary Lexi!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Butterfly Container Class

I have been lucky enough to work at a fantastic garden for the past three years. I work in the wedding department and for most of my hours at the garden I am in a windowless office dealing with stressed out brides, but some days I actually get out. They offer some awesome classes and finally after three years of working there, I decided to take one. It's a nice perk of the garden to be able to take them for free... just have to help check in people, clean up and whatnot... yay!
So I signed up to take the Butterfly Container Workshop where I would learn how to make a container garden that will attract butterflies. The Propagator at the garden taught the class... who is basically the coolest person that works at the garden... so I knew I would have fun.
The class started with a basic overview of the life cycle of the butterfly and what it takes to attract and keep butterflies around the garden. Like mama butterflies lay their eggs on host plants... so when the baby caterpillars hatch... BAM instant food. Crazy. So after the little overview, we had the chance to pick out the plants we wanted. I wish I knew the names of the plants I picked, but the only one I recognized was parsley, which is food for caterpillars.Really I was grabbing pretty flowers that she said would attract lots of butterflies!
Then came the really fun part... we all took a tram out to our butterfly house to have a personal talk with the gardener that designed the butterfly house. So cool! Now even though I work at the garden, I don't really get to see the gardeners (except for meetings and stuff) so I never get to actually talk to them about the work they do. So I was super interested to hear from her all the cool stuff behind the house.
While I was listening intently on the gardener... I really don't remember much of what she said. Doh! I was so in aw of the house and all the butterflies around. The main thing I took away was that butterflies drink (nectar from flowers) and caterpillars eat. There were some plants that were eaten to sticks from the caterpillars. And let me say... there were some BIG caterpillars in that house. Some really weird looking ones too.
After the tour we headed back to the classroom to put together our containers. After looking around the house I got some good ideas about how I wanted it to look. There were lots of containers in the butterfly house that were so well put together, I wanted to try and recreate it.
In the end, I decided to use red and purple colored flowers with lots of green from the parsley. The main thing with containers is to have the different heights for visual interest, so I had some that would grow up and some that would grow out and down. The final product ended up being very green, but I am really happy with it. Once the flowers start to bloom it will be so colorful. I'm excited to see how it develops.
Another perk is that I was able to snag a bunch of left over plants after the class was over. So I ended up coming home and making another butterfly container... plus a couple extra.
I really love how they turned out and am so excited to start attracting some butterflies. I'll be moving them to the front porch though... I want to attract butterflies and caterpillars, but don't want them wrecking havoc on my Mom's garden. So we will try to direct them to the front yard!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Forever DIY Project

So am coming clean, I am a wanna be DIY-er. I really like creating things and changing things to suit my needs... maybe a reason I studied art in college. I love making things pretty. However, sometimes I run into the problem of not actually finishing what I start. I have numerous art projects from college that I have yet to finish from glaze on pottery to making a chain for a pendant, I just never got around to finishing them. This also stems into projects around the house. I really love interior design and sometimes come up with ideas, that I start and never finish.

Case in point, the dresser I bought at a thrift store the summer before my senior year at ECU. I bought it for like $20 bucks and lugged the massive thing all the way from VB to Greenville. The finish on it was horrible (white chipped paint with crayon markings everywhere!) and it was obvious that there were many coats of paint on it. So I painstakingly started scraping off each layer at a time with a razor blade. I could have used some chemicals to help, but I was living in an apartment at the time and didn't want to kill myself or Lexi with fumes. So I scrapped and scrapped and scrapped. I remember finals week right before graduation, scrapping at the dresser thinking ... I should be studying instead of working on this stupid dresser! Still not finished, I lugged the thing back to VB where it stayed in the garage while I putzed around. Eventually I gave up and slapped a coat of white paint on it. I didn't even sand it, so to say it looked like crap is an understatement. But I called it shabby chic, so I could get away with it.

So fast forward to about around December when I had a  break from school... I decided to redo it again! But this would be the last time and I was going to do it right! So I started scraping away... using little wood carving tools. There are some pretty intricate spots, so the little knives worked well... they just took a really long time. There were also a lot of layer of paint! Not only the white paint I put on it, but there must have been about 4 other layers including gold, black, teal with speckles and more white.
It took quite a lot of effort to scrape it down to a relatively smooth surface, but it was worth it. After I finished the initial scraping, it sat for a few months bare while I made it through the semester. Finally about a month ago, I decided to get moving on it and I started the sanding!
After a lot of sanding it was onto the priming. During my first attempt of painting white was that I had a lot of bleeding through from the other layers and such. There were a lot of orange streaks in my original fix years ago. So this time around, I decided to use some Kilz on it to make sure it was protected! Well one thing I forgot to mention was that I did all of this work in my room. The dresser is very heavy, so moving it into the garage would have been a pain! So I did all of the scraping, sanding, and painting in my room. So using the Kilz inside was probably not to best idea, but I had to make it work. Luckily, it was pleasant weather outside, so I had all of the windows open. Although, I don't know how much that helped... I know I killed a lot of brain cells during this process.
Forgot to mention too, that in my first redo job, I had the bright idea to paint the inside of the drawers orange. I saw it on one of the blogs I read and thought it would be great for a pop of color. The only problem is that I didn't use orange anywhere else in my room. I ended up going with a different color scheme in my room... so the orange was totally out of place! So I had to get that covered up too... which was a bit annoying, but totally necessary!
So after all of that scraping and sanding and priming it was time to pick colors!! I knew I wanted to get away from the white, but was having a tough time picking what I wanted. I thought about a nice glossy black, but I already have a lot of black furniture, so I needed to mix things up. I ultimately decided on gray, but when I got to Home Depot... I realized the crazy number of grays there are in the world.
It took a few days to pick out the gray, but I finally picked the perfect one. Stay tuned for the final result...

Sunday, July 03, 2011

I'm Back!

So I have fallen off the wagon with this blog... well with many things over the past few months. School took over my life through May and I am slowly getting back into the grove. Lots of things have happened over these past few months though.

First off, I am finally done with my actual graduate classes. Whew! And I made it through with a 4.0... quite an accomplishment I think... I am super proud of myself. All I have left is my student teaching in the fall (which is pass fail, hence the 4.0). That will be quite a challenge in itself... mainly the whole working for 3 1/2 months in the school for free, but is necessary. I'm looking forward to it... but more looking forward to getting it done and moving on to a real job!!

Second, I bought a new car! I had to say goodbye to my old Trooper and hello to my lovely brand new Mazda, named Rita. I had the Trooper for 7 years and I absolutely loved it, but it was slowly falling apart. Every month was a new repair, so it was time to move on.
Things just fell into place so perfectly that I ended up buying my Mazda. My new car just showed up in my driveway when I came home from work and I signed on the dotted line that night... no really. (I love having neighbors in the car business... takes a lot of the hard work out of car shopping!) Now I am super neurotic about this car... no eating in there... I wash and vacuum it way too much... trying to hang on to that new car smell! I am slowly starting to let Lexi in it more, but am still in search of the perfect car seat cover to protect my lovely interior from the hair and dog drool.
Lexi had to say goodbye... this was her last drive in Troops.  

I have also fallen off the wagon a bit too as far as my fitness goes. After Shamrock, I just didn't have time for any running or anything. Between school, work, and practicum... I was just swamped and that was the first thing to go. Now that the semester ended... I still had trouble getting into it. I was planning on doing my first triathlon in June... but when the semester ended in May, I felt totally unprepared to do a tri. In the past I have been know to just wing it and run a race even if I am not prepared... but a triathlon is a bit different. I decided to postpone it until I had the time to devote to training. I don't want to half ass things anymore!

Which brings me to today! I am slowly getting back on track as far as my fitness goes. I have started the Couch to 5k program over and am slowly getting back into the grove. The next race I am officially signed up for is the Wicked 10k in October, but am looking on adding on more. But I want to make sure I am back on track before I start signing up for things again.

There are lots of other bits and bobs going on, but I can't give it all away now! I have lots of DIY, cooking, frugalness and yes, work out posts to come. Get ready!