I have decided to make a list of 25 things to do during my 25th year of life. Now I am making this list mostly realistic (no climbing Mt. Everest here!) with a some major goals for good measure! Of course, I will blogging when I finish a task, complete with commentary and lots of photos! So, without further ado… 25 things I’m going to do before I turn 26…
1. Run a 10k
2. Go to a musical/play
3. Visit the west coast
4. Read 5 books for enjoyment
5. Go kayaking
6. Visit the Smithsonian
7. Volunteer somewhere cool
8. Go to a professional sport event
10. Learn a song on the piano
11. Run a half marathon (wait, what?!)
13. Go to a concert
14. Organize my teaching stuff
15. Learn and perfect a new recipe
16. Teach my mom how to watch football
17. Learn a dance
18. Go hiking
19. Participate in a 60 mile bike ride
20. Make my bed every day for a month
21. Stop biting my nails
22. Do a triathlon
23. Get my teaching portfolio together
24. Lose those last 10 pounds
25. Move out of my parent’s house!