Sunday, July 03, 2011

I'm Back!

So I have fallen off the wagon with this blog... well with many things over the past few months. School took over my life through May and I am slowly getting back into the grove. Lots of things have happened over these past few months though.

First off, I am finally done with my actual graduate classes. Whew! And I made it through with a 4.0... quite an accomplishment I think... I am super proud of myself. All I have left is my student teaching in the fall (which is pass fail, hence the 4.0). That will be quite a challenge in itself... mainly the whole working for 3 1/2 months in the school for free, but is necessary. I'm looking forward to it... but more looking forward to getting it done and moving on to a real job!!

Second, I bought a new car! I had to say goodbye to my old Trooper and hello to my lovely brand new Mazda, named Rita. I had the Trooper for 7 years and I absolutely loved it, but it was slowly falling apart. Every month was a new repair, so it was time to move on.
Things just fell into place so perfectly that I ended up buying my Mazda. My new car just showed up in my driveway when I came home from work and I signed on the dotted line that night... no really. (I love having neighbors in the car business... takes a lot of the hard work out of car shopping!) Now I am super neurotic about this car... no eating in there... I wash and vacuum it way too much... trying to hang on to that new car smell! I am slowly starting to let Lexi in it more, but am still in search of the perfect car seat cover to protect my lovely interior from the hair and dog drool.
Lexi had to say goodbye... this was her last drive in Troops.  

I have also fallen off the wagon a bit too as far as my fitness goes. After Shamrock, I just didn't have time for any running or anything. Between school, work, and practicum... I was just swamped and that was the first thing to go. Now that the semester ended... I still had trouble getting into it. I was planning on doing my first triathlon in June... but when the semester ended in May, I felt totally unprepared to do a tri. In the past I have been know to just wing it and run a race even if I am not prepared... but a triathlon is a bit different. I decided to postpone it until I had the time to devote to training. I don't want to half ass things anymore!

Which brings me to today! I am slowly getting back on track as far as my fitness goes. I have started the Couch to 5k program over and am slowly getting back into the grove. The next race I am officially signed up for is the Wicked 10k in October, but am looking on adding on more. But I want to make sure I am back on track before I start signing up for things again.

There are lots of other bits and bobs going on, but I can't give it all away now! I have lots of DIY, cooking, frugalness and yes, work out posts to come. Get ready!

1 comment:

Jan Halvarson said...
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