so i set aside all of sunday to catch up on homework and do some studying. well it is officially monday morning and i have yet to crack open a book. school has recently become so uninspiring to me, the teachers are uninspiring, the subjects are uninspiring, i'm just all around uninspired. i'm so close to graduation but i feel i no longer love art as much as i did when i started. i am now at a crossroad where i am questioning everything i have been learning the past four years and might take a whole new direction. it's scary, growing up and all. making these decisions sucks.. i might just buy a magic 8 ball and let that figure it all out, or maybe i'll go to a hand reader or something and see what's up. but nonetheless the point of this post was to share the great information i found out tonight when i should of been doing homework but instead was browsing around on wikipedia... the creator of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich is from Hampton, VA. fascinating.
that's all for now.