in every college students life there are professors that truely make an impact on who you are as a person and how you look at things. that professor for me was dr. handron, my psychology teacher from sophomore year. he was one of the only professors who looked at his students as real scholars and not just another herd of sheep he needs to move along to the next semester. he was so engaging and insightful i feel like i learned so much from him.
this semester i am lucky enough to meet another one of those professors, dr. jones, my world religions teacher. this class is only once a week from 6:30-9:30pm... normally this means naptime for stephanie. but dr. jones is one of those people who you can only hope that a little bit of his knowledge will rub off on you.
last night in class dr. jones went off on one of his tangents and started talking about education. he talked about how a student at ecu and a student at harvard can get the exact same education. he said your education is what you make of it. now this sounds so simple, and almost common sense, but it really got me thinking about my time here at ecu. i have reached the point where i will graduate in a year, and i feel like i haven't learned everything i wanted to learn. i feel i am at a turning point in my college career where i really need to make the best of what is offered to me.
so this next year i am making it my goal to exhaust all the resourses ecu has to offer. i don't mean reading every book in the library, but i am going to make it a point to attend lectures i wouldn't ever think of going to, concerts, plays, and take classes off the beaten path. i want to be sure that when i look back at the 4
and 1/2 years i spent here, i am truely satisfied with what i did.